Un día con “Soñar Despierto”
Baylie Beebe, Auburn University. Como parte del curso Voluntariado como inmersión social, el 24 de febrero fui a una casa para jóvenes y niños que no viven con sus familias por varias razones. El programa que coordina el voluntariado en la casa de acogida se llama Soñar Despierto. Fui con mi compañera Sarah y también […]
España en imágenes: La Guerra Civil desde el arte
Este trabajo ha sido realizado por los alumnos de la clase “España en Imágenes: La Sociedad Española a través del Cine”. Los alumnos de la clase España en Imágenes: La Sociedad española a través del Cine han diseñado obras de arte reflejando diversos aspectos de la Guerra Civil española basadas en su visita al Museo […]
My name is Asha Francisco and I participated in the Teach & Learn Program 2013-2014. I went with a specific goal in mind, and I ended up accomplishing exactly what I wanted. I attended Oregon State University. I double majored in Spanish and secondary education with hopes of becoming a high school Spanish teacher. My […]
What you can do now to prep for your first days as an “Auxiliar”
Your first days as an auxiliar are bound to be nerve-racking as the weeks leading up to it are full of uncertainty. What grades will I teach? What’s my school like? What do kids that age even like? Those are great questions, and ones that honestly, may not be answered until day one at your […]
Adventures in Toledo
For the month I stayed in Alcalá de Henares, I think my absolute favorite trip was to Toledo with the university. I went partly because I was taking Spanish Civilization and Culture, and the professor said it was recommended we go to see all the things we were learning about in class, but also partly […]
Nobody Expects The Spanish Revolution
It’s finally here. The road has been unbearably long and excruciatingly painful, but our election season has finally reached its end. After nearly nineteen months of personal insults, pathetic walk-backs, and multiple assaults of racist and misogynistic comments, Americans have absolutely had enough of this process and the personalities that are involved in it. Regardless […]
The Top 10 Things To Do In Alcalá With Your Guests
No matter how long you’ve been abroad, a visit from you family or friends in Spain is an unforgettable experience that you will all remember for the rest of your lives. The mere fact that someone has dropped everything back at home to take a flight across the ocean to see you is something that […]