How to spend the winter Holiday in Madrid

This year is flying by, and I’m sure we are all ready for a vacation. With the winter holidays creeping up around the corner it’s time to start thinking of what you want to do with the time off. I’m sure there many of you who will be going home to be with loved ones. […]
Prácticas en el Hospital Príncipe de Asturias

Alina Ahsan, The College of New Jersey; Angelica Alvarez, University of Arizona; Abrar Ebady, The College of New Jersey; Katiana Jose Merlande, State University of New York; Stephanie Thom, State University of New York; John Turner, The College of New Jersey. Los estudiantes de la clase de “Español para profesionales de la salud” hicimos prácticas en el Hospital Universitario Príncipe de Asturias. Nosotros hicimos prácticas en […]
Experiencia de estudiantes transatlánticos

Jason Wesley y Adaku Owensby fueron estudiantes del programa de Estudios Transatlánticos durante el semestre de otoño 2014 en el Instituto Franklin de la Universidad de Alcalá. Jason Wesley and Adaku Owensby, LIU Global
How To Celebrate Thanksgiving in Madrid

It’s that time of year again and whether it’s your first year living in Madrid or your tenth sometimes we just want a little taste of home. And if you’re not from the US (like me) or Canada (yes, I know Thanksgiving is in October) maybe you just want to see what all the fuss […]
San Patrick’s Day in Madrid

Any resident of Madrid who happened through the center of Madrid this weekend most likely noticed the harbingers of the upcoming excuse to visit your local Irish pub. From corny felt top hats with the Guinness logo, to signs at Irish bars and larger than average crowds outside such Irish bars, it’s clear that Saint […]
La muñeca de la victoria

Hannah Powers, Colorado State University. “¡Ya estamos aquí, Elisa!” exclamó su padre delante del coche. Elisa empezó a llorar. No quería ir a casa de su abuela, se acababa de morir. Toda su vida había odiado las visitas a la casa de la vieja, que olía demasiado a polvo y esmalte, y estaba llena de muñecas […]
Teach and Learn Survival Guide

Master Teach & Learn in Spain So, you want to come to Madrid, do you? Dying to escape the current administration, need a sabbatical, or just need a new direction? So, you submitted all your paperwork, got all your ducks in a row, held your breath and have come to terms with that fact that […]
A Year ago… 1st Franklin Alumni Meeting

Returning to a place that you once called home is always a remarkable experience. Looking out the window as I landed at the Madrid Barajas Airport generated a rush of emotions, and if I’m being completely honest, I shed a few tears. Two and a half years had passed since I stepped foot on Spanish […]
Teach and Learn Survival Guide (part 4)

Muy buenas, gentle readers. I’m tempted to change the opening for this blog to something more catchy…maybe a little more Gossip Girl-esque. But, despite their similarities, this is Madrid, not New York, and I´m a little more Javier Calvo than Blake Lively. But I digress. I would apologize for last week´s post being something of […]
El fuego en las fiestas españolas

Ana Cristina Cuello, University of Central Florida El fuego calienta, ilumina, consume y desinfecta. Es un símbolo del infierno; nacimiento y resurrección; purificación. Transformación y renovación: el viejo crecimiento se quema para dejar paso a un nuevo crecimiento de rejuvenecimiento. La pasión y la rebeldía; extroversión y entusiasmo. El fuego encarna las características de la […]