A Year ago… 1st Franklin Alumni Meeting


Returning to a place that you once called home is always a remarkable experience. Looking out the window as I landed at the Madrid Barajas Airport generated a rush of emotions, and if I’m being completely honest, I shed a few tears. Two and a half years had passed since I stepped foot on Spanish soil, used vosotros when Spanish was spoken, or taught English to a wonderful group of first to six grade students. Two and a half years definitely felt like a long time stateside, however, once I arrived it felt like I never left. I was home.

I was invited to the 1st Franklin Alumni Meeting as a speaker and to the 3rd International Conference on Bilingual Education in a Globalized World as a guest. I was also a part of a video testimony for the Teach and Learn in Spain Program, in which I shared my experience as a student in the Masters in Bilingual and Multicultural Education. I and two other alumni had the honor of being the first participants of the Teach & Learn Visitors Program, as well as, the first speakers for the Franklin Alumni Meeting event. In preparation for the Franklin Alumni Meeting we were informed that each speaker had 30 minutes to deliver a speech that reflected the value of earning a Masters degree from Instituto Franklin – UAH and share our experience as a student. Above all, demonstrate how receiving a Masters from Instituto Franklin-UAH benefited us professionally. With that in mind I found it appropriate to base my speech on my journey in education as a student and working professional.

In effort to keep my speech authentic I was bound to open with a brief story on my humble beginning with education. I touched on my greatest role models and personal cheerleaders, my parents. Inspiring professors at university that opened my mind and expanded my knowledge through lectures and book recommendations. I highlighted on a life changing experience that has profoundly impacted my life, which has brought me to where I am today, and that is studying abroad. Furthermore, I shared how receiving a Masters from Instituto Franklin – UAH enhanced my knowledge in bilingual education and molded me into becoming an effective educator. Most importantly I shared my journey as a working professional in the states, which ironically hasn’t included teaching, and instead has been centered on working in higher education. I found that a lot of students that attended the event were intrigued in receiving tips on how to apply the Masters to all fields within education. I was pleased that by sharing my professional work experience it inspired attendees on the opportunities that come with earning a Masters from Instituto Franklin – UAH.

I found the goal of the event, which offered a platform for network building and story telling, to be inspirational for current students studying at Instituto Franklin-UAH. It was also great to connect with current students and reconnect with staff members at Instituto Franklin. Lastly, it was wonderful to observe the growth that the program has made since graduating. I for one benefited from this event and I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to have been a speaker at the 1st Franklin Alumni Meeting. Mil gracias!

Photos 1st Franklin Alumni Meeting

Follow the 2nd Franklin Alumni Meeting.

Location: Sala de Conferencias Internacionales. Colegio Mayor de San Ildefonso. Pza San Diego, s/n

Date: Friday, December 1st, 2017

Time: 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Visit the Instituto Franklin – UAH Facebook page for live streaming meeting

Eliseo has been working as StudentLink Counselor at New York University since 2016
Alumni Instituto Franklin, MA Bilingual & Multicultural Education 2012-2013
Franklin Student's Blog