Master in Bilingual and Multicultural: Faithe Estes

Attending this University was one of the best decisions that I have ever made! I was able to live in Madrid while obtaining a Masters Degree, and gained additional work experience while learning Spanish virtually free of cost. It was a busy year for sure but I still had time to travel, make friends and […]

Máster en Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera: Margaret Bastar

My name is Margaret Bastar, and I was part of the 2011-2012 Masters in Aprendizaje y Enseñanza de español como Lengua Extranjera. Upon my return from Spain, I knew I needed to get on the job hunt and start applying for jobs. I updated my resume, adding newly gained experiences such as ‘Teaching Spanish to […]

Invaluable teaching experience with theoretical knowledge

Stephanie Bermudez. Master in International Education. The Teach & Learn Program offered me a dynamic and multi-faceted education that went far beyond the classroom. The program paired invaluable teaching experience with theoretical knowledge all while immersing me in an authentic cultural experience. My field of study was International Education and I can’t think of a better […]

Master in Bilingual and Multicultural Education: Laura Cardoso

I would say that overall the Teach & Learn in Spain experience teaches you much more than you would learn within just the confines of an education classroom. You are given the opportunity to jump right into teaching in a Spanish classroom and learn about a different culture, people, education system, and methods first hand. […]

Franklin Student's Blog