How to Write Your ELE Thesis (in Spanish!)


Fellow ELE-ers, let me tell you a secret: writing a thesis in Spanish isn’t as hard as you think. I was able to write my thesis and enjoy it. I loved my topic and I had fun developing the ideas and supplementary materials. Once I got started and made a plan, it wasn’t anywhere near […]



¿No puedes viajar durante estas fiestas y piensas que serán muy aburridas? ¿Estás cansado/a de ver películas y series en tus plataformas favoritas? Si tu respuesta es afirmativa, estás en el lugar adecuado para vivir las mejores Navidades de tu vida. Si te gusta moverte por la ciudad, patinar sobre hielo, asistir a espectáculos o […]

The Mercado Cervantino of Alcalá


October in Madrid is now here, and to me, that means one thing: the medieval fair in Alcalá de Henares. It was the first place outside of Madrid that I visited in Spain—getting there is easy, just hop on the cercanías (local train)—and I have gone every year since. This year will be my fifth. […]

What’s the Best Funding Option for Me?


If you’re planning to enroll in a Master’s Program at Instituto Franklin-UAH, chances are you have questions about the options for your practicum and tuition. Between private or charter schools and public schools, different timetables and age groups – there are many aspects to consider when making the right choice for you and your academic […]

Masters in US vs Masters in Spain


By this time you’ve already convinced your parents that your (essentially) free masters degree in a foreign country is indeed real and you will have such masters degree title in exactly ten months. I applaud you. Before moving to Spain, I had never studied abroad anywhere except the yoga class I took in Costa Rica […]

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