Master in Bilingual and Multicultural Studies: Jisoo Kim


During my MA in Bilingual and Multicultural Education Studies, I have gained thorough knowledge not only academically but also personally especially in finding out my own teaching philosophy. My undergraduate studies were English Literature and Media Studies but I have always had a deep interest in Education. MA in Bilingual and Multicultural Studies consists of […]

Máster de Enseñanza de Español como Lengua Extranjera: Colleen Ryan


Después de graduarme en una universidad de Carolina del Norte en 2009, enseñé español en una escuela secundaria en Estados Unidos durante dos años y medio. Al final del segundo año, sabía que quería volver a la universidad para estudiar y desarrollar más mis habilidades en la enseñanza de lenguas, así que empecé a investigar […]

Living like a Spaniard


Participating in the Teach & Learn program was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I remember first hearing about the program while working as an assistant in an elementary school. I applied just for fun, still not sure if I wanted to get a master’s in education or not. I thought, “Well, what […]

Características de la arquitectura andalusí


Estudiantes del curso “El Legado Andalusí” Rachel Anton, Thelma Carrera, Alyson Lukacher, Erica Roman, Troy Salnick (The College of New Jersey); Choliman Carley (University of Tennessee); Caleb Rudge, Jennetta Siracuse, Emily Kim (SUNY) y Katherine Vos (University of Oklahoma). La Capilla de San Ildefonso En la Universidad de Alcalá, existe una capilla antigua que contiene el […]

Master in Bilingual and Multicultural Education: Kaitlyn DeStefano


Pre Teach and Learn Program I clearly remember telling my friends and family that I was moving to Madrid to teach English for a year and receive my Master in Bilingual and Multicultural Education. My entire family and all my friends thought I was crazy. I knew no one in Madrid, I had no place to […]

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