Holy Toledo! A Trip to the City of Three Cultures – The Franklin Students' Blog

If you’ve ever heard the expression “Holy Toledo!”, which means something is mind-blowing, it probably started with this beautiful town just an hour south of Madrid. Known as the “City of Three Cultures”, Toledo shows influences of Christian, Muslim, and Jewish culture. Toledo is filled with representations of these three cultures in the form of […]

Great tips to start off the school year – The Franklin Students' Blog

For many you, this will be your first time teaching as an English Conversation Assistant, or better known as an “Auxiliar” in Spain. So welcome to Spain, and enjoy the experience. For those of you have taught in Spain before, I hope this post will be helpful! I remember what it was like to first […]

Danone Archives – The Franklin Students' Blog

Felipe Douce, University of Central Missouri; Symone Yancey, The College of New Jersey; Klara Owens, State University of New York. El día 8 de abril visitamos la fábrica de yogurt de Danone. Nos pareció muy interesante la excursión y vimos muchas diferencias y… Read more

Europe Archives – The Franklin Students' Blog

Living in Spain gives you the opportunity to “country-hop” and explore new cultures and languages easily. The United States is so big that you can drive eight hours and still be in the same state, cough, looking at you Florida.… Read more So your time abroad is nearing its end, and you’re trying your best […]

5 ideas to do in the classroom during Spring – The Franklin Students' Blog

Spring has finally arrived in Madrid, which means you’ve got antsy students in your sunlit classroom. Keeping students interested and motivated as we race toward the end of the school year can be a challenge. While you and your students count the days until school is out, here are five ideas for how you can […]

Partido de fútbol en el Instituto Franklin-UAH – The Franklin Students' Blog

Alina Ahsan, The College of New Jersey; Claudia Gargano, The College of New Jersey; y Victoria Simonton, The College of New Jersey. El lunes 16 de Marzo de 2015 se celebró un gran partido de fútbol en las instalaciones de la Universidad de Alcalá entre el equipo Benjie Wolves, formado por los jugadores y jugadoras Cristina […]

This is Halloween! This is Halloween! – The Franklin Students' Blog

It’s finally beginning to feel like autumn in Madrid. The air is cooler and the leaves are falling off the trees. The first month or two of teaching is finishing, and you’re finally getting into the swing of things. Halloween is quickly approaching and the stores are putting out spooky decorations. Each year this holiday […]

Universidad de Alcalá Archives – The Franklin Students' Blog

By this time you’ve already convinced your parents that your (essentially) free masters degree in a foreign country is indeed real and you will have such masters degree title in exactly ten months. I applaud you. Before moving to… Read more No matter how long you’ve been abroad, a visit from you family or […]

Franklin Student's Blog