It’s Christmastime in the city


Are you staying in Madrid over the Christmas break? With the lights, markets, and festivities, the city is definitely the place to be over the holiday! During the holiday season, Madrid comes alive with Christmas spirit, so be sure to take part in the festivities that the city has to offer! As you stroll through […]

My life as a “Returning Student”


This story begins long ago circa Summer 2014. I was getting my BA in Spanish Language and Literature, Secondary Teacher Preparation at Stony Brook University on Long Island. As I was going through my undergraduate career, I couldn’t help but think… ‘How the heck am I going to be a Spanish teacher if I’ve never […]

Sara Kells. Alice Gould Award 2016


When I was asked to write a blog post about my experience writing the master’s thesis with the aim of encouraging current students, I thought, wouldn’t shots of espresso be a more appropriate encouragement than a blog post? I’m sure they are all exhausted! I was instantly transported back to those coffee shop dwelling months, […]

Master’s in Bilingual and Multicultural Education: Whitney Morris


I completed the Master in Bilingual and Multicultural Education through the Instituto Franklin at the University of Alcala in 2010. At the time of starting the program, I was not sure what I wanted to do as a career; I just knew I wanted to spend time overseas. Through completing the program, I learned about […]

Building Community in the Classroom with Adela Chumillas


Building community in the classroom is rewarding for both you and your students. It is, however, difficult to do. Every class, no matter the subject, is different because it’s made up of different young individuals interacting together at different times of the day, week, and year. Your classes as a native teacher go beyond the […]

Experiencia en España de una alumna estadounidense


Christina Gerew, The College of New Jersey. Mi experiencia en España fue increíble con muchos viajes a diferentes comunidades autónomas en el país. Hace un mes, fui a de Segovia con estudiantes de la universidad para ver el famoso Castillo del Alcázar. En este castillo se inspiró Walt Disney para crear el castillo de Cenicienta y […]

5 Reasons to Consider Getting Your Master’s Degree at Instituto Franklin-UAH


After a life-changing experience teaching in Spain for two years, I came home without having any academic title to back up my experience and I started to think about postgraduate degrees. Like most graduates, there comes a time when you consider the implications of a Master’s and the idea of a graduate degree seems to […]

Franklin Student's Blog